Saturday, June 27, 2009

With wedding season in full swing,

we can't forget about our blog, oops!  Today we are celebrating the beautiful Monica and handsome Todd's wedding.  We will feature them later on with some great pics for you all to see, but until then here's our advice to the happy couple.  Enjoy every moment of today from the getting ready to the goodbyes.  Take time to be with each other, slip away together if you can, and stop and savour the moments of your wedding day bliss.  Above all, don't stress!  Congratulations Monica and Todd!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Sweet Start of Your Forever

The engagement process is magical and I know it is corny but when I see commercials like the ones below I get goosebumps. We would love to hear your engagement stories and the charming details about the start of your forever!

Simply send us your story and a picture of you and your love to Until then enjoy this sweet commercial from Zales.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Team at ele3 is excited and proud to announce our first magazine advertisement which is in the Grand Rapids Bride Magazine.   Please do enjoy our lovely chic advertisement!  

Monday, June 1, 2009

Eden Environments

We had the awesome opportunity for a little Q + A with Denise Hopkins, owner of Eden Environments, a sustainable design center in Grand Rapids.  Design can come from anywhere, but we love it especially when it is "green!"  Enjoy!

Q: What is Eden Environments?  

Eden Environments Sustainable Design Center - your personal professional green experts. Eden Environments is your resource for sustainable information, design, and products. We are constantly researching new concepts, ideas, and products and are eager to share that knowledge. We offer architecture, interior, and landscape design from designing a new building to helping you choose a wall color, or anything in between. Our products range from denim insulation to flooring, counters, wall coverings, paints and stains, fabrics, furniture, and even organic household cleaners. 

Q: Where did your passion for sustainability come from?  

I grew up in the country and loved the woods around our family weekend cabin. Gardening has always been a therapeutic and rewarding pastime. As an architect, it became clear that traditional methods of building were harming our environment and ourselves. So the combination of all these things led to studying how we could create environments that are good for us and not do harm to our shared environment. Discovering that it was not difficult and that the results could be beautiful just demanded that I share this with others. 

Q: What types of designers do you work with and where are they from?  

We work with individual designers and designers that work for large design firms. Since we are sustainability specialists, we can provide information and resources that other designers may not have time to uncover. We find that we always learn from designers and their experiences, and that sharing information enriches everyone involved. 

Q: What advice can you give to those who want to live green but don't know where to start?  

Start at Eden Environments. We have done all of the research for you and can help you make good decisions for your personal environments and our shared global environment. Our experts are here to answer your questions or you can use our library to research and explore our discovery center filled with beautiful, healthy, sustainable materials. If we don't have the answer, we will find it for you.

pictures are from Eden Environments